Our hospital houses well equipped Intensive Coronary Care unit and a Multi disciplinary Intensive care unit in this part of Chennai. They are managed by a team of doctors including Interventional Cardiologists, Intensivists, physicians, Diabetologists, super specialists and specialists from varied medical and surgical fields. Trained nurses and technicians with adequate
knowledge and experience in critical care nursing, paramedical personnel, physiotherapists and supporting staffs help in the satisfactory and faster recovery of critically ill patients.
The Intensive Coronary care unit is located in the ground floor of the ‘ Vinayaka block’of our hospital (near to the entrance and casualty). It has 8 beds with multiparameter monitor, ventilator, resuscitation equipments, medicines and other accessories adjacent to each bed. All laboratory and radiological tests are done in the patient’s bedside in the ICU. We also have a facility to bedside hemodialysis.
The location of our ICU is such that it facilitates easy access of the sick patient directly into the ICU without having to wait in the casualty or the lift. The multidisciplinary ICU is located in the 2nd floor of the ‘ Anjaneya block’. It has 8 beds with multiparameter monitor, resuscitation supplies, ventilator and all facilities similar to the ICU. A dedicated post operative unit with 4 beds is available in the surgical ward to take care of patients in the immediate post operative day.
Availability of inhouse super specialists, specialists, experienced and committed doctors round the clock is the unique feature of our hospital’s intensive care units. Personalised care is given to all patients which helps in faster and accurate diagnosis, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation of the
patients. This in turn reduces hospital stay and the associated costs for the patient. Also the incidencce of hospital acquired infections is also less in our ICU due to strict and standardized protocols.
Availability of 24 x 7 cath lab facility helps in managing acute heart attack as we offer primary (emergency) angioplasty services round the clock. Bedside Temporary pacemaker facility is also available for abnormal slow heart rates.
The patient is treated on a whole by all our doctors not only in the ICU but also in the step down units, wards and will be followed up as outpatient by the same primary physician / specialist to ensure continuity of care. This helps in achieving a good patient satisfaction index also.