We have an established set up for almost all medical problems involving specialities like General medicine, Diabetology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Nephrology, Infectious diseases, Pulmonology, Medical Gastroenterology and Medical Oncology. In-house experienced and dedicated team of physicians and on-call specialists and super specialists give comprehensive care to the patients and treat patients in a holistic manner.
The hospital houses a dedicated building for General Medicine and medical specialties. The block consists of medical wards, wards for diabetic foot and diabetes-related infections, Minor Operation Theatre and its recovery room, an 8 bedded Multidisciplinary Intensive Medical Care unit and well equipped Haemo-dialysis department.
The patient receives appropriate timely treatment due to accurate and faster diagnosis by our physicians and team of specialists. Patients are also followed up after discharge on a regular basis by the same doctors to ensure continuity of care.
The medical specialties in our hospital are:
- General medicine
- Nephrology
- Pulmonology
- Diabetology & Endocrinology
- Medical GE
- Medical Oncology
- Neurology & Stroke Care
- Infectious diseases
- Diabetic Foot Care